- Studies on drug development, biological response modifiers, early detection and diagnosis, promising biomarkers and prevention and control of cancer.
- Molecular confirmation of diseases on the basis of viral specific proteins i.e. Western blot for HIV.
- Studies on biological processes of aging at the molecular, genetic, organelle, cellular, organ levels, interaction of aging and diseases of aging.
- Studies related to the rheumatic diseases and disorders of connective tissue, bone, and skin.
- Development of molecular kits for disease diagnosis with special emphasis to diseases exhibiting serological false results.
- Studies related to numerous human diseases including diabetes, obesity, endocrine disorders, urologic, blood and digestive diseases, liver and genetic diseases.
- Studies on kidney disease, inborn errors of metabolism, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, infectious diseases and food borne illness.
- Potential of different botanicals for the wound healing properties: Characterization and Product development.