Facilities Available:
- Identification and Detection of Tuberculosis (AFB staining and Tb culturing).
- PCR based Detection and Molecular studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Immunochromatographic evaluation.
- Bio-Safety cabinet II A and Bio-Safety level III facility for handling pathogenic micro-organisms.
- Thin Layer Chromatography and TLC Multi-Plate Preparation Equipment.
- Western Blotting.
- Micro-Assays.
- Gel Electrophoresis & Documentation (DNA & Protein).
- ELISA Techniques.
Instrument Available:
- Inspissator.
- Multiskan Ascent Software based ELISA Reader.
- PCR (Gradient & Mastercycler).
- Horizontal & Vertical Electrophoresis assembly.
- Western Blotting Apparatus.
- Bio-Safety Cabinet Type IIA.
- BOD incubator.
- Microscope (Vision 2000).
- Refrigerated Centrifuge.
- Sonicator.
- Pico Drop.
- Vacuum Concentrator.