People’s Journal of Science & Technology, PJST accepts original research articles and reviews in all field of Engineering and Sciences and released twice (Jan -June & July – Dec) a year. The following type of research communications are considered for publication:
- Full Length Research Papers (about 14 printed pages) original research which must not have been previously published anywhere.
- Authors’ reviews (about 20 Printed pages) present an overview of the author’s current research with comparison to data of other scientists working in the field.
The manuscript will be submitted in duplicate with two sets along with an electronic copy (Word.doc document) along with Copywrite transfer agreement. The size of manuscript (including key words, introduction, material and methods, result and discussion, tables, references, figures, etc.) will not be more than 12 printed pages.
Use one side of A4 white bond paper with margins of at least 1 inch on each side.
Title must be given in front page. Title must be followed by abstract on separate page.
All manuscript should be double spaced thought and in 12 pt Times New Roman.
Tables figures etc. are to be attached separate after references.