Guidelines for Full Length Research Paper
Title – Title should be concise and informative containing name(s) of author(s), designation, address, phone number and E-mail of corresponding author in a separate page.
Abstract – The abstract should consist of a paragraph not more than 200 words in a separate page. The abstract should provide a brief summary of the paper including the question raised and the findings of the study.
Key words – between 4 to 8 words
Main Text – present an overview of the author’s current research with comparison to data of other scientists working in the field. It includes Introduction, Material and Methods, Result & Analysis and Conclusion.
Reference – References should be numbered sequentially as [1], [2], [3] etc. in order to their citation in the text. The style of references should be as under:
Journal : Name of author(s), title of the journal in italic, volume, pages and the year in brackets .
M. Smith, G. Gaur, and J. Mehta. Chem. Soc., Vol. 75, pp 60-72 (1988).
Book : Author’s name, title of the book in Italic, name and location of publisher, page and year of publication in brackets .
J.P. Greenstein and M. Winitz, Chemistry of Amino Acids, Vol. II, John Wiley, New York, pp. 1009 (1961).
Conferences Proceedings: Author’s name, name of conference in Italic, name and location of publisher, page and year of publication in brackets.
J. Ansell, I. Harrison, and C.T. Foxon, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Chemistry, USA, pp. 279-282, (2002).
Thesis: Author’s name, title of thesis in Italic, Ph.D Thesis, Name of University, year of publication in brackets .
E. B. Samiwala, DNA cloning in Haemophilus influenzae, Ph.D. thesis, University of Bombay, Bombay (1987).