The Department of Civil Engineering taking following steps to accomplish its mission:
- To offer undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs of industrial and societal relevance in civil engineering.
- To nurture ethically strong civil engineers to address global challenges through quality education and application oriented research.
- To educate our students on design, construction, maintenance and advancements in civil engineering for providing solutions to the betterment of the society.
- To prepare competitive and responsible citizens with good communication, leadership and managerial skills.
- To enrich and enhance the knowledge base for the best practices in various areas of Civil & allied Engineering through collaborations with Global Institutions of Excellence, Industries and Research Organizations.
- To provide a healthy ambiance for teaching, research, consultancy and extension activities.
An affectionate welcome to the Civil Engineering discipline. Civil engineering is the second-oldest engineering discipline after military engineering. There are many career paths for civil engineers. Civil engineers are essential in government agencies, private and public sectors that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of physically built works like Highways, Expressways, Bridges, Canals, Dams, Metro Rail, Mono Rail, Smart City, SEZ, and High Rise buildings.
The department has been able to foster this distinguished approach with the help of the staff has excellent credentials and a promising outlook. The faculty is well groomed and has patents, publications in multiple journal and conferences proceedings. The Department of Civil Engineering with its multifaceted faculty maintains its strong links with the construction industry by engaging in consultancy activities. The backbone of our Civil Engineering program is our faculty who recognize the importance of good classroom teaching and all strive to encourage student-faculty communication—both inside and outside the classroom. The students here are encouraged to engage extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which are essential for personality development, nurturing of team spirit and development of organizational skills. It gives me immense pleasure to lead such a prestigious and complete department in every manner.
I, congratulate the teaching and non-teaching staff and students for their brilliant effort in making the department. I wish all of you great academic career ahead.