About E-Cell
The Entrepreneurship Cell of People’s Institute of Management & Research, Bhopal commonly known as E-Cell, is a student-run body that works towards promoting and encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship in and around campus. We do this by providing them ample opportunities to start-up workshops, seminars, business-plan competitions, guest talks and other similar events. We strive to create a conducive environment for budding entrepreneurs wherein they get to interact with investors, mentors, industry experts, fine tune their ideas by participating in business plan competitions etc. We are a team of passionate individuals who are serious about entrepreneurship.
The purpose of entrepreneurship cell are
- To bring out entrepreneurial flair in students.
- To make students understand entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial skills.
- To provide them with a platform which gives them number of innovative opportunities to develop the entrepreneur in them.
Activities of Entrepreneurship Cell
Entrepreneurship Week
The E-Week was celebrated during 15th Feb. to 17th Feb. 2018. The aim of this E-week was to instill entrepreneurial wisdom in young minds. Activities like Brand Dumb Charades, Management quiz and Business Plan conducted and presentations on top entrepreneurs of the world and women entrepreneurs are given by faculty coordinators.
NEN Workshop conducted on 13th Nov. 2017
The initiative for the entrepreneurial development of the students along with the National Entrepreneur Foundations was taken by PIMR. The workshop on the importance and need of entrepreneurship in current scenario was organized on 13th Nov. 2017. The main focus behind organising the workshop is to prepare the young generation for entrepreneurial development and skills and to create the awareness and generate the interest of youth towards Entrepreneurship. The orientation program was conducted by Miss. Kriti shahu the representative from NEN, Wadhwani foundation with the help of faculty coordinators and students coordinators of E-cell from PIMR “DISRUPT” Activity were conducted to enhance the knowledge of students related to Eship and generate the interest of students to start their own ventures in future. More than 50 students were participated actively in NEN workshop.
The following faculties and student Coordinators are:-
Faculty coordinators
- I.S.Rao, Associate Professor
- Fozia Sultan, Assistant Professor
- Srashti Tripathi
- Himanchal Shrivastav
Student Coordinators
- Chiragdeep Singh Rajpoot
- Snehi Gupta
- Om Kumar
- Fariya Ehtesham
National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) Workshop
National Entrepreneurship Network Workshop, was conducted at Daly college, Indore for two days i.e.; 26th & 27th Oct. 2017. It provided a detailed description of “A global digital learning program” and provided a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs and job seekers. Different activities were conducted to enhance the knowledge and information of NEN. This workshop was greatly helpful to all the member to learn how to create the awareness and generate the interest of other students to participate in E-Cell and in upcoming future different activities conducted under the banner of NEN. Wadhwani foundation’s E-Leaders workshop were highly experiential two day program for a selected group of students and E- Leaders who have nominated by their institutes. The following students attended NEN Workshop as NEN Coordinators:
- Om Kumar
- Fariya
- Snehi
- Chiragdeep Singh Rajput
The Workshop provided great learning and a lot of opportunities to the students and has hopefully enhanced their level of motivation and drive for entrepreneurship. This will help the institute to further develop its E-Cell activities.