Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, Principal of People’s Institute of Management and Research, People’s University and Dr. Abhilasha Jain, Head of Department, organized a personality development seminar for MBA/BBA students. In the seminar, Mr. Nayab Hussain, trainer from Rank Brain Marketing, a digital marketing & personality development training institute, taught the students tricks to improve personality and also gave tips on resume building and how to make themselves competent in interviews. He said that giving an interview is the easiest, only the skills should be strong and interviewing is a skill which is important to learn. Shri Nayab also explained the ways to improve listening through activities. This seminar was conducted in the open air at People World Mall so that students get a new environment to learn. Registrar Dr. Neerja Malik told the students that such seminars and workshops will continue to be organized in future.

“Confidence Build, Do’s & Don’t during Interviews, Resume Building, Etiquette’s, Self Grooming, PD, Pre Preparation before Interview, Body Language etc.