1.1.1 – Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national, regional and global developmental needs which is reflected in Programme outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the University
1.1.3 – Courses having focus on Employability, Entrepreneurship & Skill development
1.2.1 – New Courses
1.2.2 -Minutes of Meeting – BoS Engineering
1.3.2 – Brochures.pdf
1.3.3 – Student Enrollment
1.3.4 – Field projects, Research projects & Internship

1.4.2 – Feedback collected and analysed
1.4.2 – Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website

2.1.1 – Demand Ratio
2.1.2 – Total number of seats filled against reserved categories – Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories
2.2.1 – The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
2.2.2 – Full Time Teacher List
2.2.2 – Student List
2.3.1 – Student Centric Methods
2.3.2 – Teachers use ICT enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning.
2.3.3 – Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues
2.4.1 – Total Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts
2.4.2 – Total Number of full time teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/D.Sc./D’Lit./MD/MS/MDS
2.4.3 – Total teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution
2.4.4 – Full time teacher who received Award & Recognition
2.6.1 – Learning Outcomes / Graduate Attributes
2.6.2 – Attainment of Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes
2.7.1 – Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)

3.1.3 – Teachers receiving national/ international fellowship/financial support by various agencies for advanced studies/ research
3.1.4 – JRFs, SRFs, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows enrolled in the institution
3.2.1 – Extramural funding for Research (Grants sponsored by the non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, international bodies for research projects) endowments, Chairs in the University
3.2.2 – Grants for research projects sponsored by the government agencies
3.2.3 – Research projects per teacher funded by government and non- government agencies
3.3.1 – Institution has created an eco-system for innovations including Incubation centre and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge
3.3.2 – Workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Entrepreneurship and Skill Development
3.3.3 – Awards / recognitions received for research/innovations by the institution/teachers/research scholars/students
3.4.2 – The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international recognitions/awards Commendation and monetary incentive at a University function Commendation and medal at a University function Certificate of honor
Announcement in the Newsletter / website
3.4.3 – Patents published/awarded
3.4.5 – Research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website.
3.4.6 – Books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher.
3.4.7 – E-content is developed by teachers For e-PG-Pathshala For CEC (Under Graduate) For SWAYAM For other MOOCs platform For NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government Initiatives For Institutional LMS.
3.5.2 – Revenue generated from consultancy and corporate training
3.6.1 – Extension activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of impact and sensitising students to social issues and holistic development
3.6.2 – Awards received by the Institution, its teachers and students from Government /Government recognised bodies in recognition of the extension activities carried out.
3.6.3 – Extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution including those through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC during the year (including Government initiated programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. and those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs).
3.6.4 – Students participating in extension activities listed at 3.6.3 above
3.7.1 – Collaborative activities with other institutions/ research establishment/industry for research and academic development of faculty and students
3.7.2 – Functional MoUs with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research

4.1.1 – Facilities for teaching – learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment
4.1.2 – Facilities for cultural activities, yoga, games (indoor,outdoor) and sports.
4.1.3 – Availability of general campus facilities and overall ambience
4.1.4 – Total expenditure excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation.
4.2.1 – Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) and has digitization facility
4.2.2 – Subscription for e-Library resources.
4.2.3 – Annual expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals
4.2.4 – Usage of library by teachers and students.
4.3.1 – Classrooms and seminar halls with ICT – enabled facilities such as LCD, smart board, Wi-Fi/LAN, audio video recording facilities.
4.3.2 – IT policy.
4.3.3 – Student – Computer ratio.
4.3.4 – Available bandwidth of internet connection.
4.3.5 – Facilities for e-content development Media centre Audio visual centre Lecture Capturing System(LCS) Mixing equipment’s and softwares for editing
4.4.1 – Total expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component.
4.4.2 – Systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms

5.1.1 – Students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the institution, Government and non-government agencies (NGOs)
5.1.2 – Career counselling and guidance for competitive examinations
5.1.3 -Capacity development and skills enhancement initiatives
5.1.4 – student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging
5.2.1 – Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level Examinations (NET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOEFL/CivilServices/State government examinations)
5.2.2 – Placement of outgoing students
5.2.3 – Recently graduated students who have progressed to higher education
5.3.1 – Awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at inter -university/state/national/international events
5.3.2 – Student Council and its activities for institutional development and student welfare
5.3.3 – Sports and cultural events / competitions
5.4.1 – The Alumni Association/Chapters
5.4.2 – Alumni contribution

6.1.1 – Vision and mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
6.1.2 – The effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
6.2.1 – The institutional Strategic plan is effectively deployed.
6.2.2 – The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures.
6.2.3 – Implementation of e-governance in its areas of operations.
6.3.1 – Performance appraisal system, promotional avenues and effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff.
6.3.2 – Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies.
6.3.3 – Professional development / administrative training Programmes organized for teaching and non-teaching staff.
6.3.4 – Teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes Refresher Course, Short Term Course).
6.4.1 – Strategies for Mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources.
6.4.2 – Funds / Grants received from government bodies for development and maintenance of infrastructure.
6.4.3 – Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists for development and maintenance of infrastructure.
6.4.4 – Internal and external financial audits.
6.5.1 – Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes by constantly reviewing the teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals.

6.5.2 – Institution has adopted the following for Quality assurance.

  • Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow up action taken
  • Confernces, Seminars, Workshops on quality conducted
  • Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
  • Orientation programme on quality issues for teachers and studens
  • Participation in NIRF
  • Any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)

6.5.3 – Incremental improvements made for the preceding with regard to quality.

7.1.1 – Measures initiated for the promotion of gender equity
7.1.2 – Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation
7.1.3 – Facilities for the management of the degradable and non-degradable waste
7.1.4 – Water conservation facilities.
7.1.5 – Green campus initiatives
7.1.6 – Quality audits on environment and energy
7.1.7 – Disabled-friendly and barrier-free environment
7.1.8 – Initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e. tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal, socio-economic and other diversities.
7.1.9 – Sensitization of students and employees of the institution to constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens.
7.1.10 – Code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes
7.1.11 – Celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals.
7.2.1 – Best practice successfully implemented
7.3.1 – The performance of the institution in an area distinct to its priority and thrust
7.3.2 – Plan of action for the next academic year